“Is your goal to make me blush when you look at me like that?”
FINALLY UGH! (floored cat emoji)
Collection especially made for cuddlers, hot beverage amateurs & lazy asses. 🫂☕🥱
For Female V
Cropped Shirt
- Medium boobs (MB)
- Hyst enhanced big breasts (EB)
- Small boobs (SB)
- Solo body (Solo)
- Vanilla butt (VB)
- Hyst bigger butt (BB)
- Solo body (Solo)
Clipping in some poses, especially sitting. Can’t fix them completely with what I know for now. Too pretty to not publish. 🥰
Socks (monk)
- Refit over leggings
Recolors and Refits can be used separately.

Leggings - Plaid

Shirt & Socks - Plain
See the pillows below for the color references.

For Male V
Pants (monk)
Socks (monk)
- Average male
Recolors and Refits can be used separately.

See the pillows below for color references (polo & socks).
See the leggings above for color references (pants).

Blankets - Plaid
Mugs kitsch - With coffee
Sofa pillows - Plain
- Replacers & Standalones
- Both can be used at the same time.

Codes & Instructions in the download.
Not every color of every item has been tested, but they should all work properly. Testing on patch 1.5.
If anything concerning the mods, ping me on Discord (Lavender Milk & Honey).
You can also send me a message on Tumblr, but I only take my messages once or twice a week. I’m not currently active on social media except for modding.
I don’t take requests, thank you.
Credit not necessary, but very appreciated. ;)
Happy spooky month loves! 🧡🎃👻